Open Day by Finance Innovation
Open Banking has deeply participated in the digital transformation of the banking and financial services landscape: it has even become a development axis for banks.
This gradual evolution of the industry has been accelerating in recent years thanks to three factors
The adoption of new regulations with the aim of setting a legal framework to better promote innovation and consumer protection: the PSD2, the RGPD, the Request to Pay (RTP), the European Payment Initiative (EPI) illustrate this regulatory trigger.
Goodwill exchanges between banks and fintechs that concretize this alliance between new financial technologies and the sharing of banking data.
The evolution of end-users' needs: the health crisis has been a great demonstrator of these new uses.
New terms such as "Open Finance", "Open Insurance", "Open Data" or "Embedded Finance" have recently appeared and are the expression of multiple realities, uses, challenges and perspectives.
There is still a lot to do, to build, improve and facilitate in this field.
The Open Day by Finance Innovation conference is a first dive into this booming universe.